Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bellini's first eggs!

After 74 long days of waiting, Bellini laid her first clutch of eggs! Usually, first time breeders take 30 to 60 days until they lay, but because of the shorter days and lower temperatures, it took her a little longer. The eggs are both very healthy, and definitely look fertile! Sunny is on her way, as well :) She will probably lay her first clutch in 1 to 2 weeks. So exciting!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Things are getting exciting at Quality Crested Geckos! Bellini looks like she's about to lay a couple of eggs soon; her weight went up a few grams, and I'm definitely starting to see the outline of the eggs. Let's hope they are both fertile!

Diesel, the awesome halloween pinstripe male was also shipped today! He will arrive tomorrow morning from Missouri, and he will be put in with Sunny. They will probably start mating right away, so hopefully I will have two gravid mommies very soon :) 

Along with Diesel, I'll also be receiving a mystery baby crested gecko. I will post pictures of both tomorrow, and pick a name for the new baby. Yay!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bellini has arrived! She's a beautiful red color with cream markings, and even some blushing on her cheeks! She also has some seriously awesome crests. I haven't been able to confirm that she's gravid yet (pregnant), but she was seen mating a couple of weeks ago so she should lay a couple of eggs in as early as two weeks! It's time to make her lay box (nest) and prepare for egg incubation.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunny and Gidget meet!

Sunkist has been doing really well in her new home, and has been feeling much more comfortable with her surroundings. So far, we have kept Sunny and Gidget, one of our other geckos for our "pet quality" project, in separate enclosures. She was still a little stressed out from being shipped, so we wanted to make her as comfortable as possible. But, now that she is happy and settled in, we let them meet today and they did great! Gidget even crawled on her back and they hung out like that for a little while. They seem to be indifferent to each other's company, but it's nice to know they will get along despite their size differences. Hopefully we can get some nice pictures soon.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

She has a name!

My new crested gecko girl is awesome! As expected, she's been a little scared and fidgety while holding her, but she's doing really well considering she just arrived yesterday. I even got her to lick some food off of my finger :) Oh, and considering all the name suggestions I've been getting, I decided to name her Sunkist; "Sunny" for short! 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Arrival from Colorado!

She's here! She was shipped via FedEx priority overnight and arrived from colorado this morning. She seemed to do very well on her trip, and she shows all the signs of a healthy gecko :) I was worried that her she would drop her prehensile tail during shipping, but she looks very happy. So far, she seems like a very sweet girl and has a really docile temperament. She's also a big girl! I plan on weighing and measuring her later. Crested geckos can reach about 9 inches and up to 50 grams, but I don't think she's quite that big yet. I'm so glad to have her in my breeding project and as a cherished pet!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Female breeder arrives tomorrow!

My cream and lavender pinstripe crested gecko has been shipped and will arrive tomorrow morning by 10:30 am! Her enclosure is ready with appropriate hiding and climbing surfaces: a pothos plant, a bromeliad, and a climbing vine. Now I just have to keep an eye out for a good mate to pair her with. Pictures tomorrow!